Thursday, March 22, 2007

And so I began

Though I didn't have my copy of Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD and Elyse Resch, MS, RD, FADA yet, I had read lots of articles and had a number of discussions with my friend. So, I tried my best to incorporate what I knew into my day yesterday. I think I did pretty well. I actually went to the health food store last night an eyed all of the goodies, thinking that if I really wanted it, I could really have it. I looked at Thai dumplings, organic cookies and even the fruits and vegetables. Nothing really jumped out at me and said "Eat Me", to my surprise of course. I was content with what was on the menu for dinner when I got home: Whole Wheat roasted veggie pizza and kale sauteed in olive oil.

I was delighted to find my copy of the book waiting for me when I arrived home. As soon as I saw the box, I was excited, I began reading it right after dinner. The dinner I ate intuitively, I think. :)

Reading the first couple of chapters brings about some fears but also a sense of relief. It talks about eating whatever I want, as long as I am hungry and stop at satisfied, of course. The thought of eating whatever I want really scares me. It goes on to say that in the first stage of intuitive eating, I may eat a lot of unhealthy food but that I should really focus on how the foods make me feel. After a while, my body will crave the healthy food. Which, I can thankfully say, it really does crave healthy food a good portion of the time. The thought of eating pizza anytime I really want it is scary; will I ever get to a place that pizza, ice cream and chocolate cake only cross my mind rarely?

It also says that I need to really focus on what I want to eat, that I should think about the sensations that all sorts of food will provide and choose what sounds the best. This is supposed to help me really determine if I am hungry for food or for something else, like stress relief or comfort. This thought also scares me a bit. Getting in touch with the emotions that bring about my unhealthy eating habits seems like a daunting task. I am happy to report that most recently, I have been tackling my biggest food fight. Stress. Oh, it seems to be ever so abundant in my life right now. I have been learning to take time out from my hectic schedule for some much needed me time. I have even been reading, EVERYDAY. Everyday. I haven't read every day in years. I am also finding much relief in long walks with my dear fiance and long hot baths as often as possible.

Though I have these fears, I feel empowered. So empowered that I ate my cereal out of a teeny tiny bowl this morning. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL that's where I started! no longer neededing a giant noodle bowl for my cereal and naturally choosing a small bowl to eat it from.